What is The Feldenkrais Method®?
The Feldenkrais Method is a mind/body integration technique that uses movement to enhance the communication between the brain and the body. It releases tension and stress, improves co-ordination and self-awareness and brings us back to our natural harmonious way of functioning.
What do I need to bring for my appointment?
Be prepared to provide your previous medical or surgical history. If you have them and if they are relevant bring scan/MRI reports, and list of medication. You may wish to bring shorts and t-shirt.
How many visits will I need?
The number of treatments will vary depending on the problem and individual. After a thorough assessment, David will discuss your goals and together you will form a plan for the rehabilitation/improvement process. Taking a collaborative approach, your progress will be re-evaluated and discussed on-goingly.
What should I wear to my appointment?
In Feldenkrais sessions, clients remain fully clothed so please wear comfortable clothing or bring a pair of loose pants, shorts or leggings to change into.
How do I make an appointment?
You can get in touch by phone ( +09 -63 88 330 ) or use the form under the contact page.
Do I have to be referred by a doctor?
No, Feldenkrais practitioners can assess and treat without referral by a doctor.
What conditions does The Feldenkrais Method® treat?
We see and treat patient for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses. Please visit our Services for an extensive list of conditions and diagnoses we see clients for.
Are there Feldenkrais Practitioner specialists?
Each Feldenkrais Practitioner brings with him or her the sum total of their previous experience. Here at Move To Improve, David Sullivan is specialised in chronic pain, muscular sketelal impairments, sports injuries, neurological afflictions, trauma and mindfulness.
Who Benefits from the Feldenkrais Method®?
Anyone—young or old, physically challenged or physically fit—can benefit from the Method. Feldenkrais is beneficial for those experiencing chronic or acute pain of the back, neck, shoulder, hip, legs or knee, as well as for healthy individuals who wish to enhance their self-image. The Method has been very helpful in dealing with central nervous system conditions such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and stroke. Musicians, actors and artists can extend their abilities and enhance creativity. Many Seniors enjoy using it to retain or regain their ability to move without strain or discomfort.
How Does the Feldenkrais Method® Differ from Massage and Chiropractic?
The similarity is that both practices touch people, but beyond that The Feldenkrais Method is very different. In massage, the practitioner is working directly with the muscles, in chiropractic, with the bones. These are structural approaches that seek to affect change through changes in structure (muscles and spine). The Feldenkrais Method works with your ability to regulate and coordinate your movement; which means working with the nervous system. We refer to this as a functional approach wherein you can improve your use of self inclusive of whatever structural considerations are present.
How are Feldenkrais Practitioners Trained?
All Feldenkrais practitioners must complete 740-800 hours of training over a 3 to 4 year period. Trainees participate in Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration® lessons, lectures, discussions, group process and videos of Dr. Feldenkrais teaching. Eventually students teach Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration under supervision. Trainees gradually acquire knowledge of how movement and function are formed and organized. This extensive subjective experience forms the basis from which she/he will learn to work with others.
The training process is based upon the vast body of knowledge Dr. Feldenkrais introduced. Since he integrated into his body of learning theory aspects from a variety of scientific fields such as Newtonian mechanics, physics, neurophysiology, movement development, biology and learning theories, we present some of these aspects in the training program for the trainee to comprehend the theoretical background of the method.
The main purpose of the training is for the trainees to acquire for themselves a deep understanding of movement and its formation, to become aware of their own movement, to become astute observers of movement in others, and to be able to teach other people to enlarge their awareness and movement skills.
Ask us a Question
Feel free to ask any physical therapy related questions over the phone, or get send your question via this form below. Your message will be dispatched directly to our staff who will answer as soon as they can.